Lichtgitter uses more climate-friendly steel from ThyssenKrupp for the production of gratings.  

The Lichtgitter Group is using more climate-friendly steel from ThyssenKrupp Steel for the production of gratings. This marks the beginning of a new chapter in the long-standing partnership between ThyssenKrupp and Lichtgitter. Both companies have signed a Memorandum of Understanding. Starting next year 2024, Lichtgitter will be supplied with CO2 reduced #bluemint® steel. Lichtgitter will be able to offer its customers gratings made of CO2-reduced steel based on the hot-rolled strip produced in a more climate-friendly way.

MoU Lichtgitter 2023 09 25 tkse J2 4674

Thomas Kipp (Head of Purchasing, Lichtgitter), Hermann Stengel (General Manager Lichtgitter), Dennis Kohl (Area Sales Accounter tkSE), Dr. Franz Domenic Boos (Head of Sales SSC HRC + cut-to-length Sales Industry)